Revealing Colors / LO DE FACU

An explosion of colors for our friends at Lo de Facu.
The goal was to bring vibrant hues to the indoor patio, while also catching the attention of those who drove by.
There's a nice hidden personal wink in it where we incorporated Facu's son, revealing the burst of colors in the design.
This project was a fun collaboration with my childhood friend and talented muralist, Guido Palmadessa.
instagram: @lodefacu / @guidopalmadessa

Storefront Name & Mural / DALONE

I had the amazing opportunity to create two exciting pieces for our brothers at Dalone.
The first one is a traditional Storefront Sign, showcasing big, well-spaced classic letters. To make it even more captivating, I added a subtle shadow effect that allows the sign to pop off the wall and immediately catch the viewers' eyes.
The second piece is a collaborative mural with the incredibly talented Lu Paul. Together, we brought to life this massive, 20-foot-long tiger!
Working with the Dalone crew is always an incredible source of inspiration for me. I'm always grateful to participate in their project and see them grow.
instagram: @dalonerock / @lu.paul


We had the pleasure of working on a traditional hand-painted sign for the truck door of this stunning 1950s Mercedes pickup truck.
Flowi had the great idea of restoring her Grandpa's old truck and bringing new life into it by transforming it into a flower shop on wheels.
This piece holds a very special place in my heart and is definitely one of my all-time favorites. I loved being a part of such a meaningful project.
instagram: @dalonerock

Shop Sign & Menu / EL FONDIN

I created these two classic, recycled signs for my friend Pinky at El Fondin. Our aim was to capture a traditional, authentic local feel, so we decided to hand-paint them in the iconic 'Fileteado Porteño' style.
Fileteado Porteño is a unique sign painting technique that originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the late 19th century. Inspired in European architectural decoration and characterized by its vibrant colors, symmetrical designs, intricate shadows, and dynamic perspective.
With some nice Tango's playing in the background we were able to bring new life into these recycled pieces, infusing them with the charm and character of Fileteado Porteño.
instagram: @elfondin_

Storefront, A-frame Sign & Van / VIVERO DEL PUERTO

We had the pleasure of working with our friends at Vivero del Puerto on a variety of projects.
We started by designing a traditional style logo, but wanted to add a bit of personality to it. We incorporated a fun twist, with a classic Thick n' Thin typography, that would help the logo stand out while still remaining true to the brand's identity.
From there, we expanded our work to include a hand-painted storefront sign and a range of other fun ideas, such as truck signage and graphic designs for their grass-growing van.
instagram: @viverodelpuerto


Undoubtedly, one of the most meaningful projects to me was designing and painting this welcoming mural in the camping area of my beloved soccer team, San Lorenzo de Almagro.
It was a truly memorable day, with the entire San Lorenzo crew coming together to lend a hand. Together, we transformed this storage room into a vibrant space, adorned with an inviting message to all the fans.
Having the opportunity to contribute to the club that holds such a special place in my heart was an incredible experience. This project will forever hold significant meaning for me
instagram: @sanlorenzo

Store Name / PIET

For Ian and Oky at Piet.
Big tall letters. Always handpainted.
Deep breaths, calm pulse and long lines. Had a great time decorating this showroom terrace.
instagram: @pietconcept


This project was a significant milestone for me.
Collaborating with Julian Aloise, a local legend and skilled sign painter from San Fernando, was a true privilege. Together, we brought to life an ENORMOUS mural for the San Jorge Neighborhood.
Painting alongside Julian was an absolute gift, and I couldn't have asked for a better mentor. . It's moments like these that remind me of the immense value in learning from the masters who have honed their craft for years. I am always grateful for such opportunities.
instagram: @julianaloise_fileteador